Sunday, October 25, 2009

100 Sips with Tina from A to Z

I love the movie "Julie and Julia" starring Meryl Streep as Julia Child. The film follows events in Julia Child's early years in her culinary career and a young woman, Julie Powell, who challenges herself to cook all 524 recipes from Child's Mastering the Art of French Cooking in one year and blog on it. Each time I saw the movie ( yes, I have to admit more than once) I not only came away inspired to try Julia's Boeuf Bourguignon but a little bummed. Bummed because why didn't I think of the "Julia project" first? Later, this month as I was reading Tyler Coleman's A Year in Wine, he mentions Steve and Deborah DeLong's Wine Century Club. The De Long's have listed 184 grape varieties and if you try at least 100, you are qualified to join the Wine Century Club. Bingo!! I have found my "Julia project"!
I immediately went to their website and downloaded the application, . Am I ready for the challenge? Tasting 100 varieties from A to Z? According to their website, "The common grape varieties are typically considered the "big six": Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Pinot Noir, Chardonnay, Sauvignon Blanc and Riesling. Does that mean Chenin Blanc, Sangiovese and Syrah are considered exotic? No, but when you really get down to it, every wine grape variety is considered ordinary or typical in some part of the world, which makes trying "uncommon" wine grape varieties all the more fun: you can be transported to a faraway place with just a sip!"
Ok, I'm ready to join these adventurous wine lovers! 100 sips with Tina from A to Z.


  1. Can't wait to hear about the first sip. What a great idea.....anxious to follow your wine journey.
